Walking Snow Art
63-year-old artist Simon Beck makes colossal yet intricate designs on the unlikely canvas of enormous snowfields. Beck treks for hours carving with his feet, creating snow sculptures over a quarter mile long.
63-year-old artist Simon Beck makes colossal yet intricate designs on the unlikely canvas of enormous snowfields. Beck treks for hours carving with his feet, creating snow sculptures over a quarter mile long.
Activities that combine mathematics and craft (think ‘origami dodecahedron’ and ‘crocheting a hyperbolic plane’).
Mad science on trial: the real ethical problems with fictional scientists.
The World’s Smallest Stop-Motion Film. IBM researchers used a scanning tunnelling microscope to move thousands of carbon monoxide molecules.
Excellent NASA concept visualisation of the evolution of our Moon.
Coding is increasingly becoming a skill needed for modern scientists to maximise their ability to analyse data. You’ve got to start somewhere, and this Nature Careers webinar is a good place to have a first look (nb: you will need to register for the webinar to be able to access the recording)
Whether you’re displaying data or preparing a presentation or report, the effective use of colour is crucial to getting your message across. Have a play with ColorBrewer 2.0 to get started.
Agnotology is the study of the deliberate production of ignorance or doubt. The rise of agnotology will equip us with the tools to tackle mis- and disinformation, whatever its source.
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