Growing Quality Science & Scientists

Art created with a click

Not going to lie, I spent a lot of time playing with this! Put your thesis or publication name into this app to generate a piece of art based on the text.

Growing Quality Science

Growing Quality Science & Scientists

Essential Science Skills

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Coding as part of your career

Coding as Part of Your Career

Coding is increasingly becoming a skill needed for modern scientists to maximise their ability to analyse data. You’ve got to start somewhere, and this Nature Careers webinar is a good place to have a first look (nb: you will need to register for the webinar to be able to access the recording)

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Take a starfish for a walk

Take a Starfish For a Walk

Take 20 seconds to walk with a starfish. This striking video of a starfish walking along on the surface of an aquarium wall demonstrates how the animal moves using hundreds of tube feet.

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