Fun With Sea Slugs
Added to the ‘I didn’t think animals could get weirder’ list – meet the Hooded Nudibranch.
Added to the ‘I didn’t think animals could get weirder’ list – meet the Hooded Nudibranch.
A type of snailfish was filmed swimming at 8,336m, learn how fish can live so deep
In 2006, a new definition of “planet” meant Pluto got demoted, which still causes debate today. Read this to understand what it’s all about.
It is all too easy to fill our days with meetings and other small tasks that leave only small gaps for the serious work. It is important to create time and space for hard tasks.
Do you sometimes have your most creative ideas while folding laundry, washing dishes or doing nothing in particular?
The pros and cons of starting a podcast as a scientist, as well as how to get started and make your podcast idea unique.
A scientific pitch is different to a scientific presentation – know the difference.
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