“To be accessible to the general population, documents should have a reading ability requirement of year 7.” Improve your science communications with the general public with the Australian Government Style Manual.
Even the most basic words can be interpreted differently by different people, and we usually believe that most other people think like we do even when almost nobody does.
At some point, every one of us will have to ask for help. The key to overcoming your fears about networking is to practice a little bit every day.
The almighty brain! … The problem is, we only get one. These TED Talks have great advice on you can do to ensure its health and well-being.
It can be challenging to deliver an impactful presentation in 5 minutes, but it’s a skill worth refining.
It is all too easy to fill our days with meetings and other small tasks that leave only small gaps for the serious work. It is important to create time and space for hard tasks.
If you need a good laugh, watch comedian James Veitch talk about his experiences responding to spam email.
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