The seven deadly sins of speaking – habits that influence whether people will listen to you.
Not going to lie, I spent a lot of time playing with this! Put your thesis or publication name into this app to generate a piece of art based on the text.
Who should be named as inventors on a key vaccine patent application?
Long COVID and myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) both seem to impact the oldest parts of the brain in a curiously similar fashion.
The European Space Agency’s Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) mission has been given an official Spotify playlist.
63-year-old artist Simon Beck makes colossal yet intricate designs on the unlikely canvas of enormous snowfields. Beck treks for hours carving with his feet, creating snow sculptures over a quarter mile long.
Even the most basic words can be interpreted differently by different people, and we usually believe that most other people think like we do even when almost nobody does.
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