COVID expedited the review and approval of the first RNA vaccine, something 30 years in the making. The era of RNA vaccines has arrived.
Activities that combine mathematics and craft (think ‘origami dodecahedron’ and ‘crocheting a hyperbolic plane’).
Paper-mills (fake journal article factories) are undermining the integrity of science.
It’s amazing the things scientists can do with robotics – watch this robot do gymnastics.
Agnotology is the study of the deliberate production of ignorance or doubt. The rise of agnotology will equip us with the tools to tackle mis- and disinformation, whatever its source.
How to blow your own horn, without embarrassment or apology. Like it or not, self-promotion is one of the best tools for people to get ahead in the workplace.
AuthorAID, LinkedIn and WeChat can help to plug the connections gap when events get cancelled.
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