Deepest Fish
A type of snailfish was filmed swimming at 8,336m, learn how fish can live so deep
A type of snailfish was filmed swimming at 8,336m, learn how fish can live so deep
AuthorAID, LinkedIn and WeChat can help to plug the connections gap when events get cancelled.
Take 18 mins out of your day to watch this engaging talk from Prof Hans Rosling about the value of data, and learning to be less ignorant.
Similar to ‘birding’ (i.e. birdwatching), ‘herping’ is the pursuit and observation of reptiles and amphibians.
Although this article relates to how COVID information is disseminated to the public, the theories apply to all effective science communications. “Almost half of Australian adults struggle with reading.”…”It means they often struggle to understand writing in a way required for broad participation in work, education and training, and society”
If you engage in online commentaries with your science, this article outlines how to deal with criticism online.
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