Need someone to give you time, money, advice, support etc? You need to know your pitch – a short snappy written or verbal communication.
Robust Grant Proposals
Three questions to address rigour and reproducibility in your grant proposal.
Need someone to give you time, money, advice, support etc? You need to know your pitch – a short snappy written or verbal communication.
Three questions to address rigour and reproducibility in your grant proposal.
If you need a good laugh, watch comedian James Veitch talk about his experiences responding to spam email.
A first-hand description of identifying when science has failed (even if you want to think it’s worked).
The seven deadly sins of speaking – habits that influence whether people will listen to you.
All our ancestors had plenty of fur. According to a new study on relatively hairless mammals, we still have the means to be hirsute. Those genes, it seems, have simply been switched off.
Poorly automated translation or software that attempts to disguise plagiarism? Read about ‘Tortured Phrases’ in journal articles.
Learn how to prepare a compelling personal statement to improve how others engage with you and your science.
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