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This content is restricted to Sativus members only.
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Writing a report for research you have completed that was funded externally is generally compulsory, so you should know how to write a good report.
There are several different types of risk that should be thought about when you’re setting up a project, but one of the most common risks are those related to internal communications within your project team
There are several different types of resources when it comes to R&D projects, and it is important to know what they are, how you can access them, when you can access them and how to use them most efficiently without wasting them.
Scientists want to create positive changes and do work that is impactful.
Timing is a very important aspect of research – especially regarding communication. .
For your research to have impact, it needs to create change, which can’t happen if no one knows about the outcomes, or if your research doesn’t align with how the change needs to be made.
There is truth behind the saying, “a picture tells a thousand words”, because humans interpret images better than written words.
In science, you have to accept that you will always have critics, and not everyone will agree with your point of view.
In science, extension and adoption go hand in hand but are two different things.
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